Genuine x Electrolux

Strategic E-Commerce Expansion for Electrolux in China

We are proud to have played a crucial role in the successful expansion of Electrolux, a renowned Swedish household appliance brand, into the Chinese market. This case study illustrates our collaboration with Electrolux, highlighting strategic market entry, partnership with local entities, and the implementation of customized e-commerce solutions that paved the way for Electrolux's success in China.

Market Entry and Comprehensive Analysis:

We conducted a thorough market analysis to pinpoint the challenges and opportunities for Electrolux in China. By examining competitors, consumer preferences, and regulatory conditions, we gained valuable insights that shaped a tailored strategy to effectively establish Electrolux in the Chinese market.

Local Partnerships and Market Penetration:

To support Electrolux's success in China, we forged strategic partnerships with local companies and platforms. These alliances helped us establish a robust presence on major e-commerce platforms like Tmall and, implement efficient logistics solutions, and collaborate with local influencers to enhance Electrolux’s brand visibility.

How we made it

This commitment to adaptability and strategic foresight mirrors our collaboration with Electrolux, where we have effectively aligned product offerings with market demands and consumer preferences. By constantly innovating and refining our approach, we have not only enhanced Electrolux’s market presence but also ensured their long-term success and expansion in the competitive Chinese market.
Step 1

Custom Strategy Development and Market Analysis:

Our first step was developing a custom strategy based on an extensive market analysis that helped us understand the landscape Electrolux was entering. This strategy was foundational in navigating the competitive market and positioning Electrolux for success.
Step 2

Establishing Strategic Local Partnerships:

We identified and established partnerships with key local entities to facilitate smooth market entry. These partnerships were crucial in building Electrolux's online presence and optimizing their logistics and marketing strategies to suit the local market dynamics.
Step 3

Tailored E-Commerce Solutions:

We developed bespoke e-commerce solutions to address the unique challenges Electrolux faced in the Chinese market. This included managing and optimizing Electrolux’s Tmall flagship store, launching targeted performance marketing campaigns, and training Electrolux's local team in e-commerce and digital marketing practices.
Step 4

Ongoing Optimization and Performance Monitoring:

Our continuous monitoring and performance analysis ensured that Electrolux’s strategies were always aligned with market trends and consumer behaviors. By regularly optimizing marketing and sales strategies and continuously training the Electrolux team, we helped maintain their competitive edge. This proactive approach allowed us to respond swiftly to any market shifts, ensuring that Electrolux could capitalize on emerging opportunities and mitigate potential risks. Our commitment to ongoing improvement and adaptability was key in driving sustained growth and success for Electrolux in the dynamic Chinese market.


Our partnership with Electrolux demonstrates how a leading household appliance brand can be successfully established in the Chinese market. Through strategic market analysis, the building of strategic partnerships with local companies, the implementation of tailored solutions, and continuous optimization of business processes, we significantly boosted Electrolux's success in China. This case study underscores the effectiveness of collaborative efforts between international companies and highlights how we can assist German companies in successfully entering and expanding in the Chinese market.