Genuine X Hellukabel

Strategic E-Commerce Expansion for HELUKABEL in China

A comprehensive partnership to enhance HELUKABEL’s presence in the Chinese e-commerce market through expert market research, strategic consulting, and digital marketing.

Challenges and Insightful Analysis:

HELUKABEL faced several challenges in the Chinese e-commerce market that required a thorough status-quo analysis of its existing e-commerce operations and a competitive market analysis. The need to develop a customized digital marketing strategy to effectively penetrate the Chinese market was also identified as a critical requirement.

Strategic Solutions and Market Entry:

GENUINE undertook extensive market research to evaluate both market opportunities and competitive dynamics. This involved a detailed review of the strategies and tactics used by competitors. Drawing valuable insights from this analysis, we developed a custom digital marketing strategy to significantly enhance HELUKABEL's footprint in the Chinese market. Reference: The insights provided were used to refine HELUKABEL’s business models and strategies, ensuring a robust approach to tackling the complexities of the Chinese e-commerce market.

How we made it

For HELUKABEL, our strategy was to bridge the gap between advanced German engineering and Chinese industrial demand. By emphasizing the reliability and quality of HELUKABEL's products through precise digital marketing strategies and strong local partnerships, we have successfully positioned them as a top choice for industrial cable solutions in China. This approach has not only increased their brand visibility but also solidified their reputation as a trusted supplier in a critical market.
Step 1

E-Commerce Market Research and Competitive Analysis:

Initial steps involved conducting an in-depth analysis of the e-commerce environment and competitors, providing the necessary groundwork for strategic planning.
Step 2

Development of a Tailored Digital Marketing Strategy:

With a clear understanding of the market dynamics and competitor actions, a tailored digital marketing strategy was developed to uniquely position HELUKABEL in the Chinese market.
Step 3

Implementation and Monitoring of Strategy:

The implementation of the digital marketing strategy was closely monitored, allowing for timely adjustments and ensuring optimal performance against set targets.
Step 4

Collaboration with Local Partners:

Effective market entry was achieved through close collaboration with local partners, overcoming cultural and linguistic barriers and ensuring deep market penetration.


Through the partnership with GENUINE, HELUKABEL successfully navigated the complex Chinese e-commerce market. The collaboration led to a profound understanding of the market dynamics, enabling HELUKABEL to outmaneuver competitors and significantly enhance its digital presence. The partnership not only maximized the brand's potential but also leveraged local partnerships to firmly establish HELUKABEL in China. This case study highlights the effectiveness of tailored strategies and the importance of local insights in achieving international e-commerce success.

"For industrial companies and as a trading marketplace, online presence is becoming increasingly relevant - with GENUINE we have a reliable partner on our side.“
Christian Schotmann
Managing Director